Thursday, May 24, 2007

Thursday Lyrics: He's All You Need

He's All You Need

When you're alone,
Your heart is torn,
He is all you need.
When you're confused,
Your soul is bruised,
He is all you need.

He's the rock of your soul,
He's the anchor that holds
Through your desperate times.
When your way is unsure,
His love will endure
And peace you will find.

Through all your years,
The joy, the tears,
He is all you need.

When you give in
To that familiar sin,
He is all you need.
Guilt has you paralyzed.
It slowly eats you alive.
He is all you need.

He'll be faithful to you
Though your heart is untrue
And your love's grown cold.
His forgiveness is real.
It'll comfort and heal
Your sin weary soul.

God loves you so.
He'll never let you go.
He is all you need.

He'll be faithful to you
Though your heart is untrue
And your love's grown cold.
His forgiveness is real
To comfort and heal
Your sin weary soul.

Through all the years,
The joy, the tears,
He is all you need.

I used to love the music of Steve Camp. I haven't listened to him in a long time, but today I was reminded of what an excellent musician he is. Camp uses his craft to the glory of God, for which I am thankful. You can listen to this song here. For other Steve Camp music, visit audience ONE.

The words of this song remind me that God is indeed all we need, all sufficient for every situation, feeling, struggle, or joy I have in life. Thank you, Jesus, that I can rest in You!

1 comment:

Ken Stoll said...

a great reminder... I looked up these lyrics this morning on google and had the privelage of running across your blog.