Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday Photo

These pictures were taken in May of 2002. Sweet Pea was wearing her great-grandfather's christening gown for the child dedication service at our church. She was not quite a year old, and the cutest little bundle of joy I had ever seen. Now, she is finishing kindergarten.

Those of you who know me well know that I become on occasion, sentimental teary-eyed a basket case of emotions over Hallmark commercials, sad stories, happy stories, anything sentimental, and most of all, my family. So you can imagine what I am going through now that my baby is finishing kindergarten! I actually have two children finishing kindergarten, but somehow it is knowing that my youngest is getting this big that has me so emotional. I know I should be happy, but it seems time is flying by so quickly, and I wonder if I have made the best use of it.

I know that we read and played and learned and laughed a lot together, but I'll be honest. I regret every moment spent reading my own books, every moment she was awake that I watched TV, every moment that I wasted on the computer, because those days will never be back. Even though most of our friends and family would probably say I did more than enough with her in those years, it doesn't change the fact that those years are now gone, in the twinkling of an eye.

So, I am renewed in my determination to make the most of this summer...spending both quality and quantity time with my children. I want our home to be a place where they want to be, a place where they want to bring their friends, a place where they feel loved and secure and cherished, a place where their mom and dad teach them about what is truly important in life (and folks, contrary to the "I Love Money" song they learned at school, that ain't it).

Moms and dads, let us all remember that we have them but for a short season. Let's enjoy those moments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i want to know about the "I love money" song