...never let it touch the floor or ground.
My daughter learned this rule and colored a picture of the American flag for a program she is involved in on a weekly basis. Was this at school? at Girl Scouts? at a citizenship club?
No to all of these. It was yet another example of time spent in the AWANA program's Sparks division. How do we explain to our children that as Christians, our citizenship is not of this world when we spend time at church teaching them to be proud Americans.
As stated in a previous blog, I am a patriot. I love the U.S. and am thankful for the freedoms I have. However, meeting with the church family is a place to encourage Bible learning, fellowship, love for the lost, a heart for the nations, worshipping God, etc. It is NOT a place to encourage nationalism.
I feel we are wasting precious time with these children when they are hungry to hear the truths of God.
Have you forgotten that we, as Americans, are God's chosen people?
You guys aren't allowed to share inside jokes on each others blog. I think thats an unwritten rule somewhere.
Read my blog more and you'll see that it was a statement made made in a fit of patriotism during an American holiday service by a former music minister of ours.
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