Daisy is home. She arrived in this world on May 9th and joined our family on Saturday, July 8th. Since Chihuahuas often live 20 years, I figure she is really a family member now.
So far, she has done really well. We are working on house training and other things of course, but she doesn't seem too nervous. The kids all like her and are loosening up around her...except they don't like the feel of her paws on them, so they use a towel when she sits in their laps.
Our oldest son is amazingly good with her, and she settles right down with him. The biggest surprise has been my husband. For all of his delaying in getting a dog for many years, he is so taken with this animal. He is tender and kind, holding her sweetly, and getting on to others who refer to her as the puppy or the dog instead of Daisy. I told him he talks to her like he talked to the first baby in our family (you know, the human one!).
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