To add a little zaniness to our life (as if we need any more zaniness), we will soon be the family of a proud little chihuahua puppy. It's sort of our gift to our oldest for his upcoming "Gotcha Day"...one year since the courts officially made us a family.
He had several dogs in his earlier years and remembers them with fondness, so we are hoping this will be a great experience for all involved. And, yes, we would appreciate you joining with us in praying that this will be the most angelic chihuahua to grace Planet Earth. :)
My dad always said a Chihuahua can kill a great dane..... by getting stuck in his throat that is!
And to answer your question you pose...... there is need for a higher scale of crazy for anyone who buys a chihuahua.....
With the exception of German Shepherds, and dog under 100 Lbs. is not a dog, its a New York City sewer rat ;p (thats a winking face sticking its tongue out at you if you couldn't tell.....)
"Yo quiero taco bell"
Luckily for us, we're not buying. We are graciously receiving a gift. I hope the dog is as gracious as our friends. :)
given eh? free bar-b-que!
Just playin.
My aunt and uncle have two chihuahua's.... one is a demon and the other is n angel.... from what I hear they are either or, there is no in between.
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