Friday, July 28, 2006
Birthday Girl
I will never forget the first time her cousin, 10 months older than her, came to see us after our daughter arrived. With a ten month old and a twenty month old, things are bound to be interesting, yet our little one took everything, including my niece's desire to love on me, take her toys, and have my attention, pretty well. Finally, when she could no longer handle this other person talking over her and gaining my attention, she pulled up on me, drew in a huge gulp of air, and out of this tiny body came the most unimaginable roar--she was like a lion.
My father bonded with her immediately, which exasperated her grandmothers who were momentarily left in the cold. In fact, he could not believe she would ever have a frustration tantrum as my husband and I claimed, so I finally video taped one showing that she had incredible lung power. She still has her first present from him...the first thing she "picked out" in a store at just 7 months of age...a worn out, patched together, pastel colored Moo Cow who has seen better days. Just in the last few months, though, her tastes have run to other stuffed animals. Moo Cow no longer is by her side every night.
Last year, she needed help opening her gifts and cutting her ice cream with a spoon--this year, she is a big help wanted unless absolutely necessary. She has always been a Mommy's girl, but Mommy's presence at her side is no longer as necessary as it once was.
In a few weeks, she exits babyhood, toddlerhood, and preschoolhood in the biggest way possible--she starts school. She is smart and excited about learning. I am happy for her and know she has the potential to be amazing to more than just her daddy, mommy and other family members (she is already more than amazing to me). I want her to grow and learn, to be more like Jesus, to love and serve Him more, to be in the process of growing more beautiful on the inside. Yet, part of me is sad that this period in our lives is over. I can honestly say they have been the best years of my life. I pray the next years are just as special.
To my wonderful daughter, Happy Birthday!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
The Dress
Friday, July 21, 2006
Real People

In another time, before I was a parent and a homemaker, I spent part of my summer in the beautiful country of Indonesia.
This week, we have heard about 546 (?--the number keeps climbing) people killed by a Tsunami there. It obviously was not as devastating as the Tsunami in 2004, and it seems as if the news blurb rushed by, with little attention given to it as we deal with war in the Middle East and tensions in North Korea, not to mention politics, the economy, and whether the U.S. has any leverage in foreign policy.
Still, we cannot forget that these are real lives...real families devastated. The children pictured above represent countless others whose lives were as a vapor. Of these 546, I have to wonder if any, even one, knew the Savior.
What are you and I doing about that? Does anyone besides me wonder if we will wake up one day and believe we have wasted our chances to be purely devoted to God, to be a difference maker?
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Mission Possible
Infinitely more satisfying was my daughter's reaction. She didn't notice that the zipper didn't exactly match up or that the ribbon wasn't precisely flush when it met. She just twirled endlessly in the dress with a full skirt, reveling in the fact that mommy made it just for her. She felt beautiful and wanted to wear it the rest of the day.
To make my daughter's heart happy while accomplishing something serviceable felt useful to me.
It is amazing how good it is to feel useful.
A special thanks goes out to a dear friend who helped me learn where to begin with patterns and helped me make it to the end of the project. If you get some wild, wacky, crazily sewn gifts from me in the near future, you can thank her!
Do You Want to Be a Coconut?
Do you want to be a coconut? (clunk, clunk on the head)
If you want to be a coconut (clunk, clunk on the head), then you might as well be it, cause you can't be a fruit of the Spirit...
Cause the fruits are...
Gentleness, and self-control... (x2)
Thanks to Laurie Miller for the very interesting song we taught our Sparks Wednesday night. Did I mention that Kiwis, Bananas, and Watermelons have pretty weird sounds/actions too?
The song is staying in my head, but I honestly haven't decided if that is good or bad.
Monday, July 17, 2006
The gift of children
Sunday, July 16, 2006
An Entreaty

Man in remote village, S.E. Asia
"'Not called!' did you say? 'Not heard the call,' I think you should say. Put your ear down to the Bible, and hear him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity, and listen to its pitiful wail for help. Go stand by the gates of hell, and hear the damned entreat you to go to their father's house and bid their brothers and sisters, and servants and masters not to come there. And then look Christ in the face, whose mercy you have professed to obey, and tell him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to publish his mercy to the world."
William Booth
Many things are said so well by others that I need not try to restate them.
Happy Gotcha Day!

Yesterday, we celebrated Gotcha Day with our two boys. It was a year ago yesterday that the courts recognized us as legally the parents of two precious boys, then ages 5 and 7. Due to some paperwork and logistical issues, we did not actually get to take our boys with us for three more days.
In a year, they (and we) have grown and changed so much. Raising boys is certainly different from parenting an only child who is a girly-girl. It has not been an easy year. In fact, you could say that it has been one of the two most difficult years of my life--perhaps the most difficult year. It has been challenging, frustrating and sometimes hair-pulling as we searched for the wisdom and love necessary to help our boys heal from what life has thrown at them.
Have we found all the answers? No. Are they totally secure and healed? No. But they have learned about what family is. They have enjoyed the love of extended family. They have had opportunties to receive an education. They have learned that they can push, and we are still here to love them. My youngest is not skin and bones anymore. Most importantly, they have learned about the God who loves and cares for them, who forgives and restores hope.
We, who were yet sinners when Christ died for us, who were adopted by God as co-heirs with Christ, have learned so much about true love and commitment this year. We have learned about perseverance in situations that are not easy. We look forward to seeing them continue to grow and learn, and pray that one day, with confidence in their worth as seen by God, they will serve Him wholeheartedly.
I am thankful that God blessed us with these children.
Our children now...
Thursday, July 13, 2006
When carrying our country's flag...

...never let it touch the floor or ground.
My daughter learned this rule and colored a picture of the American flag for a program she is involved in on a weekly basis. Was this at school? at Girl Scouts? at a citizenship club?
No to all of these. It was yet another example of time spent in the AWANA program's Sparks division. How do we explain to our children that as Christians, our citizenship is not of this world when we spend time at church teaching them to be proud Americans.
As stated in a previous blog, I am a patriot. I love the U.S. and am thankful for the freedoms I have. However, meeting with the church family is a place to encourage Bible learning, fellowship, love for the lost, a heart for the nations, worshipping God, etc. It is NOT a place to encourage nationalism.
I feel we are wasting precious time with these children when they are hungry to hear the truths of God.
Monday, July 10, 2006

Daisy is home. She arrived in this world on May 9th and joined our family on Saturday, July 8th. Since Chihuahuas often live 20 years, I figure she is really a family member now.
So far, she has done really well. We are working on house training and other things of course, but she doesn't seem too nervous. The kids all like her and are loosening up around her...except they don't like the feel of her paws on them, so they use a towel when she sits in their laps.
Our oldest son is amazingly good with her, and she settles right down with him. The biggest surprise has been my husband. For all of his delaying in getting a dog for many years, he is so taken with this animal. He is tender and kind, holding her sweetly, and getting on to others who refer to her as the puppy or the dog instead of Daisy. I told him he talks to her like he talked to the first baby in our family (you know, the human one!).
Thursday, July 06, 2006
How Crazy Are We?

To add a little zaniness to our life (as if we need any more zaniness), we will soon be the family of a proud little chihuahua puppy. It's sort of our gift to our oldest for his upcoming "Gotcha Day" year since the courts officially made us a family.
He had several dogs in his earlier years and remembers them with fondness, so we are hoping this will be a great experience for all involved. And, yes, we would appreciate you joining with us in praying that this will be the most angelic chihuahua to grace Planet Earth. :)
Awana Pledges Missing the Point
In general, I think AWANA is a good program. However, this year, I have realized there is definitely room for improvement. Perhaps my biggest concern is the amount of time we spend on non-Bible memorization. Before a child can begin the first workbook of Bible memorization, earning jewels for their crowns, the following must be memorized:
- The Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America
- The Pledge of Allegiance to the Awana Clubs
"We pledge allegiance to the Awana flag, which stands for the Awana clubs, whose goal is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ, and train them to serve Him."
- The Sparks song "We are Sparks for Jesus"
- The Sparks motto "My Friend for Christ"
Therefore, why are we wasting our time on the non-essential?
I enjoy living in America, but what place does the Pledge of Allegiance have in a local church program to memorize scripture? Americans are not, contrary to the belief of one Music Minister at a church where we used to live, God's chosen people. The Bible is not about extolling the virtues of America.
Even worse is the silly pledge to the AWANA clubs...I would like pledging my allegiance to something to have meaning, and there are far more important things I would pledge my allegiance to than this. I feel as if we are cheapening those words for our children.
Then there is the motto: "My friend for Christ." I could understand if it was "Helping my friends to know Christ", "Sharing Christ with my friends", or even "Christ for my friend", but what in the world does "My friend for Christ" mean?
For the sake of the children we only see on Wednesday nights, for those who have language difficulties, for those who only hear Scripture when at church, and for the boys and girls who genuinely have trouble memorizing, I believe it would be far better to focus solely on memorizing verses and understanding verses rather than making the children memorize a bunch of unnecessary stuff before they can even move forward to Bible memorization.
What do you think?
Monday, July 03, 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Beach Times
It was definitely interesting to spend a week with extended family--differing points of view on a variety of issues, different disciplinary styles, and, for my only real complaint, some were **morning people** (gasp) who love to bang open cabinet doors and talk loudly even when 5 children under the age of eight are sleeping (not to mention their parents).
Still, it was great to spend time with family, to have the kids not only see their 86 year old great-grandmother swimming, but to have her teach them how to swim better. Our oldest son particularly enjoyed walks with her on the beach. My mom had two of our three children floating on their backs in the water by the end of the week and partnered with me to solidly whip my sister and my husband in "friendly" games of Spades. :)
Okay, okay, I might have lost a game or two myself.
My nephew got himself into all sorts of was especially funny to see an eighteen month old walk down the hall banging a toilet plunger to punctuate his every step. He lived like a king around his Grandmommie and Granny, after all. My niece and my daughter went to bed close to their regular bed times, but kept themselves up later than the adults on occasion as they enjoyed their week long slumber party in the girls room.
Both of my sons are swimming now after a week in the ocean and the pool. The real surprise came with our younger son, who although he is frightened, actually swam with the best stroke of any of the kids with us when made to do it. The decision to make him learn despite his fear came after his second or third jump into the deep end of the pool.
We had a wonderful time and the kids are already asking when we are going back to the beach. Luckily for them, no one will want to go back more than I! The sooner the better!! As for what we will do this week now that vacation is over...why, go to the pool of course! Isn't summer wonderful?