Friday, November 03, 2006

A Worthwhile Ministry

Today, as I watched the 2006 video for Hopeful Hearts, my heart was stirred anew to help the orphaned children around the world. Hopeful Hearts is the sister ministry of the group who facilitated the adoption of our sons last year. They have a tremendous ministry in Ukraine. Good changs have been seen since their work began.

Now, they are able to begin helping the older children who "graduate" on their 17th birthday from the orphanage system. 70% of these children die within 5 years--a truly sobering fact. Many more live a life of crime--prostitution, drugs, gangs, etc. as they struggle to survive on the streets. These children are in desperate need of someone who can show them how to perform basic tasks they have never done such as laundry, cooking, etc., as well as learning about God's love and how to have stable loving relationships with others. How can they be parents when they have never been parented? How can they be a loving wife or husband when they have never seen a healthy marriage before?

Please watch this video and remember these children through your prayers and your giving.

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