Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day

To all dads out there, Happy Father's Day!

Today was my husband's 1st Father's Day with our two sons, and thus was extra special. The children all made cards and filled in various questions and statements. One child thought he was 40--that may not have been his favorite part of the day!

It was interesting to read what they thought was most important to him--one child put "telling the truth", another put "hugs and kisses". Our oldest son wrote that he loved Daddy because he was his dad...from a child who has been without an earthly father, that meant a lot. Our daughter, when asked what Dad's name was, said "daddy". When I said I was asking for his real name, she looked at me strangely and said, "uh, David..." very hesitantly and incorrectly (that is his middle name). Clearly, in her mind, his only identity is Daddy.

I did the same exercise with my Sunday School kids. Their answers for what was most important to dad were also telling. I got everything from "me", "kids", "family", and "praying" to "not touching his guns". These same kids loved their dad because "he is my dad" and "he plays with me" to "he has a cool car".

Our pastor talked about the importance and biblical role of fathers. It was a good message. The statistics are staggering--whether a child ends up in crime, attends church as an adult, or does poorly in school is impacted to a great extent by whether or not a father is present in the home. The Bible is clear that a father is to lead a home, and thus the children, in learning who God is and how to relate to Him.

So fathers, children need you. Your leadership is vital to the family. Please don't abdicate responsibility or feel undervalued!

To my own father, thanks for being there for me as a child and an adult. To my husband, thanks for being such a great father to our children.

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