Yesterday, my youngest son and daughter found out who their teachers would be for kindergarten. I was excited to know that they will have the teachers I requested.
Today, I told my daughter that her teacher loves Jesus. When she acted as if that was no big deal, I explained to her that some of the teachers at school do not worship God. Her face twisted up in perplexed shock as I explained that she would no longer have a weekly chapel time in school to learn about God and sing praises to Him.
Strangely, in all my emotion about her becoming a kindergartener, I had never really dwelled on the fact that she would no longer learn about God in a formal setting at school. Although I never considered anything other than a Christian preschool for her, the basis of my decision on where to send her was made on curriculum and scheduling, not the quality of chapel time (although I did make sure our theology was similar). I have always assumed that as her parents, my husband and I have the primary role in teaching her about who God is and why we worship Him.
I do not love everything about the school she is attending, but I am 95% happy with it...about as much as one can be, I think. They did a phenomenal job teaching my son last year. He was also blessed to have a Christian teacher who talked about the meaning of Good Friday and encouraged art work depicting nativity scenes. Then again, I did see kindergarteners singing a song about how much they love money and can never have enough...an ungodly view of money.
For the first time in five years, she will have relationships with those who do not believe as we do. We have constantly taught her the importance of sharing about Jesus with those who do not know Him, but this will be her first opportunity to do that on an ongoing basis. Now, instead of simply talking about not hiding your light and shining for Jesus, she can it into practice.
Is it good for her to be in this situation? I believe she will be fine, but I certainly understand the desire parents have to shelter and ground their children more before exposing them to the world.